8. 解决中文输入问题




使用Appium键盘,appium执行时,会在Android手机安装一个特殊键盘(即Appium Android lnput Manager for Unicode)

在Appum config中增加下列代码:



  1. 使用unicode的编码方式发送字符
  2. Unicode键盘并非虚拟键盘,在界面上不会显示出来


Android tests allow for Unicode input by installing and using a specialized keyboard
that allows the text to be passed as ASCII text between Appium and the application
being tested.

In order to utilize this functionality, set the unicodeKeyboard desired capability is
set to true. If the keyboard should be returned to its original state, the resetKeyboard
desired capability should also be set to true. Otherwise Appium’s Unicode keyboard will
remain enabled on the device after the tests are completed.

Then tests can pass Unicode text to editable fields using send_keys